How to merge or change a WordPress Category to a Tag

Edit Category – Copy out text of Description / SEO fields in to a text editor (This can/will be lost in the conversion)

_Setup redirect rule for old category
eg to Forward to

Source as ^/business/solent-lep/$
Destination as /about/solent-lep/

_The conversion
Enable Taxonomy Converter plugin

Select ‘Convert’ and tick ‘Tags’
Pick the Category that you’re looking to merge / change to a tag
Click the Go button at the bottom of the page

Edit the destination Tag – Include all of the text you copied out of the previous Category. Save

Disable Taxonomy Converter plugin

New ad formats

We’re trialing some new ad formats.

One sits on the left and right hand sides of the screen, the other on the footer of the page. They’re designed to not be too intrusive, but to tempt those interested to interact with them.

When the reader hovers over the graphics for three seconds, a new, full screen advert is shown. Each of the has a Minimise arrow too.

There will always be a X in the top left of the screen to close the full screen advert down, once readers have finished interacting with them.

We’re being selecting as to which brands/campaigns we’re allowing to be shown – picking ones that we think chime with our readership.


Lego advert on Footer with OnTheWight
Cyberwise adverts - Left and Right with OntheWight

Mobile version now working properly

For a long time we’ve had a template that hasn’t worked properly on Mobiles, partially down to the Template, but also, as all-around CSS Hero Joseph found out, was down to our Geo-location plugin.

As we’d soft-set our map to be 500px wide, it was demanding that space, even if a map wasn’t being shown. This led to a large white right hand column appearing when looked at on a mobile.

The fix has been a two stage process. Initially involving changing the Geo-location plugin and its CSS, later making some other changes to the sites more general CSS.

I’m delighted to report that it’s now working on a mobile like a dream, all thanks to the skills and thorough approach of Joseph.

Tiding up Google Webmaster errors

We had over 1,200 ‘Not found’ links being reported by Google Webmasters tool. Have reduced this to 168. A large amount of them was /tag/ links. Created a server redirect to point them to about.

We used to use a little URL redirect program, redir.php, so have manually edited out all references to this now.

146 ‘Server errors’ as well. Many of them links to the VB Forum, which had been updated to during search and replace of shift to OnTheWight. Have been in searching for the string, eg ‘/viewtopic.php?p=6102’ in the Posts. Then manually edit out. Still about 82 left

Fixed ‘Smartphones’ ones (42 server errors + 14 not found) too

News-specific crawl errors
Good Tips

We have 169 articles that are marked with the following summaries:-

‘Article fragmented’ – “The article body that we extracted from the HTML page appears to consist of isolated sentences not grouped together into paragraphs”;

Going through and manually un-including them in Google News index.

‘Article disproportionately short’ – “The article body that we extracted from the HTML page is too small when compared to other clusters of text without links on the page. This applies to most pages that contain news briefs or multimedia content, rather than full news articles.”

‘Article too long’ – Fix: “User comments – consider enclosing the comments in an iframe, dynamically fetching them with AJAX or moving them to an adjacent page.”;

‘Article too short’ – “The article body that we extracted from the HTML page appears to contain too few words to be a news article. This applies to most pages that contain news briefs or multimedia content, rather than full news articles.” Fix: “Try formatting your articles into text paragraphs of a few sentences each. If the article content appears to contain too few words to be a news article, we won’t be able to include it. Make sure your articles have more than 80 words.”

“Article too short or article disproportionally short – these two crop up with some frequency especially on blogs, which are more likely to publish some fairly short pieces. The minimum requirement for Google News is 80 words, but I’ve seen articles just over that figure still trigger the error. For any news content that you want to be indexed, include a minimum of 100 words and preferably 250+.”

Graphing data made easier with dataWrapper

We’ve been wanting to display our numeric data in a more attractive way for a long time.

Over the last couple of months we’ve been trying out DataWrapper and today we got a chance to use it live on a story about the amount of money that the IW council spends on media in a year.

We’re pleased with the results. Not only is there a little interactivity with the graph that is created – mousing over the items, highlights them – but getting the data into the system is as simple as copying and pasting the columns out of a spreadsheet.

Dropping nRelate plugin

We’ve had to de-active the nRelate plugin on the main site.

It’s a shame, because we started using it from their very earliest days (before they became big), but it’s simply stopped working. The ‘related’ posts that it brings up are the same for each article.

We’ve tried upgrading the plug-in and using the nRelated re-index button, quite a number of times, but no joy.

Currently there isn’t enough time to get to the bottom of the problem.

Doing a before/after Webpage speed test as well to see if there’s a boost when not loading it.

Update: No appreciable difference between before and after.

Armchair Auditor revamp

Thanks to the technical prowess of wightgeek, the Isle of Wight Armchair Auditor has now moved servers.

The new home for the system (which lets anyone easily inspect the spending of the Isle of Wight council (explained)), gives even higher Webpage viewing performance, due to it all being on SSD storage, rather than hard drives.

The site now gives truly amazing response times – like under 1.5 second to fully load the page – illustrating the amazing work that  wightgeek has done on providing the fastest possible performance on every page of the site.

We also took the opportunity to refresh some of the words on part of the site.

As the Isle of Wight council has changed the way that they now make the data available, work is required to allow for this. We’re on the case and hope to have it updated soon.

Old-iwight moved too
The public service backup of the Isle of Wight council’s old iwight site that we made public after the council’s iwight site went down – unsurprisingly called <a href=”” title=”Old iwight – an archived version of the IW council’s site”>old-iwight</a> – also have moved server, so benefits from the improved performance too.

Rejig of OnTheWight front page

We’d noticed that the Home page of OnTheWight has been taking longer to load.

This evening we’ve had a change around, removing the Facebook, Twitter and Flickr Widgets from the home page.

We’re dropped two of the sliders – Film & Book reviews – from the bottom of the phone page and reduced the number of stories that were loaded into the remaining sliders.

Pleased to report that First View Load times are down over a quarter.

Events On The Wight: New Publication

There are so many events going on across the Isle of Wight, we’re going to have a site _just_ for events.

You won’t be surprised to hear that it’s called Events On The Wight.

We’ve got loads of work to do setting it up, so are battening down the hatches and getting on with it. Wish us luck.

We’ll let you know when we’ve got more.

Valentines.OnTheWight Launches

Second magazine ready for the World … well the Isle of Wight at least.

Valentines.OnTheWight is, not surprisingly, about the things that you’ll need for making your Valentine happy on the Isle of Wight.

Again, a mountain of work to get the information about shops and businesses collected, but all entered and ready to be seen.

Hope you enjoy it.