Monthly Archives: March 2014

How to merge or change a WordPress Category to a Tag

Edit Category – Copy out text of Description / SEO fields in to a text editor (This can/will be lost in the conversion)

_Setup redirect rule for old category
eg to Forward to

Source as ^/business/solent-lep/$
Destination as /about/solent-lep/

_The conversion
Enable Taxonomy Converter plugin

Select ‘Convert’ and tick ‘Tags’
Pick the Category that you’re looking to merge / change to a tag
Click the Go button at the bottom of the page

Edit the destination Tag – Include all of the text you copied out of the previous Category. Save

Disable Taxonomy Converter plugin

New ad formats

We’re trialing some new ad formats.

One sits on the left and right hand sides of the screen, the other on the footer of the page. They’re designed to not be too intrusive, but to tempt those interested to interact with them.

When the reader hovers over the graphics for three seconds, a new, full screen advert is shown. Each of the has a Minimise arrow too.

There will always be a X in the top left of the screen to close the full screen advert down, once readers have finished interacting with them.

We’re being selecting as to which brands/campaigns we’re allowing to be shown – picking ones that we think chime with our readership.


Lego advert on Footer with OnTheWight
Cyberwise adverts - Left and Right with OntheWight