Category Archives: Improvements

Mobile version enhanced

Mobile version with larger fonts - Screenshot_2015-07-20-17-37-07We’ve been running the new(ish) dedicated mobile version for a while now, so we thought we’d tighten up the design a little.

Reading articles on a mobile is different, as is obvious to all the screen size is oftne much reduced, so text appears small, making it hard to read, particualrly if you’re on the move (walking, bus, Island Line (for sure!)).

To address this, we’ve increased the font size of headline (on the front page), as well as in the actual articles.

People have now got used to using their thumb to scroll up pages on Mobiles, so the fact a large font produces a longer page shouldn’t be an issue.

We’ve dropped the excerpt text beyond the top story as well on the Home page. Two reasons – the headline font size has taken up a lot of space, and we want to read the story, not just the excerpt.

We’ve made a few other text size tweaks witha goal of genearlly making the site easier to interacti with while on the mobile – or lazing on the sofa at home.

Added Magnify glass to expandable images

We’ve been adding ‘Click on the image to see a large version’ above photos that were being displayed through our impressive FooBox image handler.

Magnifying glass appears over MouseOver

We thought, “There’s got to be a better way.”

Inspired by sites like Jalopnik, we’ve worked with Brad from FooxPlugins (who has been so helpful it’s been a dream) we’ve now just made code live on OnTheWight that fades in a magnifying glass in the top left corner of an image when the reader’s cursor is placed over it.

Pleased with the results.

WhatsApp share button joins our dedicated Mobile site

WhatsApp share button added to mobile siteOn Christmas Eve we (very) quietly released our dedicated Mobile version of OnTheWight.

For many years we’ve had an Responsive Website – ie it automatically resizes depending on the width of the screen looking at it. It worked well, but after a chat with Joseph Moore, we felt there was more to do.

Joseph’s approach was ‘Strip it all back and just deliver what’s needed for that device at that time’. His fantastic efforts on it have given us a mobile experience that loads near instantly. It’s highly impressive.

WhatsApp share button
Last night – as our first use of the new Github approach to coding – we made live our latest tweak to the mobile version – A WhatsApp share button to join the others that are ever-present at the bottom of the screen of a mobile.

We’ve been running separate WhatsApp trial for distributing our News story, but this lets the reader share the story themselves to their friends.