Category Archives: Service updates

New ad formats

We’re trialing some new ad formats.

One sits on the left and right hand sides of the screen, the other on the footer of the page. They’re designed to not be too intrusive, but to tempt those interested to interact with them.

When the reader hovers over the graphics for three seconds, a new, full screen advert is shown. Each of the has a Minimise arrow too.

There will always be a X in the top left of the screen to close the full screen advert down, once readers have finished interacting with them.

We’re being selecting as to which brands/campaigns we’re allowing to be shown – picking ones that we think chime with our readership.


Lego advert on Footer with OnTheWight
Cyberwise adverts - Left and Right with OntheWight

Dropping nRelate plugin

We’ve had to de-active the nRelate plugin on the main site.

It’s a shame, because we started using it from their very earliest days (before they became big), but it’s simply stopped working. The ‘related’ posts that it brings up are the same for each article.

We’ve tried upgrading the plug-in and using the nRelated re-index button, quite a number of times, but no joy.

Currently there isn’t enough time to get to the bottom of the problem.

Doing a before/after Webpage speed test as well to see if there’s a boost when not loading it.

Update: No appreciable difference between before and after.

Armchair Auditor revamp

Thanks to the technical prowess of wightgeek, the Isle of Wight Armchair Auditor has now moved servers.

The new home for the system (which lets anyone easily inspect the spending of the Isle of Wight council (explained)), gives even higher Webpage viewing performance, due to it all being on SSD storage, rather than hard drives.

The site now gives truly amazing response times – like under 1.5 second to fully load the page – illustrating the amazing work that  wightgeek has done on providing the fastest possible performance on every page of the site.

We also took the opportunity to refresh some of the words on part of the site.

As the Isle of Wight council has changed the way that they now make the data available, work is required to allow for this. We’re on the case and hope to have it updated soon.

Old-iwight moved too
The public service backup of the Isle of Wight council’s old iwight site that we made public after the council’s iwight site went down – unsurprisingly called <a href=”” title=”Old iwight – an archived version of the IW council’s site”>old-iwight</a> – also have moved server, so benefits from the improved performance too.

Rejig of OnTheWight front page

We’d noticed that the Home page of OnTheWight has been taking longer to load.

This evening we’ve had a change around, removing the Facebook, Twitter and Flickr Widgets from the home page.

We’re dropped two of the sliders – Film & Book reviews – from the bottom of the phone page and reduced the number of stories that were loaded into the remaining sliders.

Pleased to report that First View Load times are down over a quarter.