Tag Archives: Social

WhatsApp share button joins our dedicated Mobile site

WhatsApp share button added to mobile siteOn Christmas Eve we (very) quietly released our dedicated Mobile version of OnTheWight.

For many years we’ve had an Responsive Website – ie it automatically resizes depending on the width of the screen looking at it. It worked well, but after a chat with Joseph Moore, we felt there was more to do.

Joseph’s approach was ‘Strip it all back and just deliver what’s needed for that device at that time’. His fantastic efforts on it have given us a mobile experience that loads near instantly. It’s highly impressive.

WhatsApp share button
Last night – as our first use of the new Github approach to coding – we made live our latest tweak to the mobile version – A WhatsApp share button to join the others that are ever-present at the bottom of the screen of a mobile.

We’ve been running separate WhatsApp trial for distributing our News story, but this lets the reader share the story themselves to their friends.